Tuesday, February 7, 2012

When Life Gets Hard..

What do you do when you feel like your entire life is falling apart? Who do you become? Do you allow the bad to destroy you or do you grow and learn from it? Right now in my life, just about everything that could go wrong in the past two months, has. I've had my ups and downs and at times I have allowed my situations to break me down. I've cried, yelled, pleaded, and prayed. No one anticipates losing the most important things in their life, and then all of the sudden we are faced with the reality that we already have. That is where I stand right now and that is what I face every day. Recently I have realized that I have allowed it to completely change who I am. I started pushing people away and shutting down. I also let things hurt me, people that I cared about are constantly walking out of my life and turning their back on me right now. But then I have a few who are getting me through every second. When I cry they are there, when I feel like I have nowhere else to turn, they are there. I couldn't ask for people more loyal and caring. Those that have turned their backs on me have really blown my mind lately, but those that have stuck around through everything are the ones that really impress me. Aside from one person, I am happy with where my life is right now. I have finally gotten a job that is going to pay really well. I know exactly who I am and I know who my friends are.