Monday, January 30, 2012

Social Networking

Social media... those two words have taken over the world! Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Myspace, Blogger... There is a social media for just about everything! If you want to post a bunch of statuses there's Twitter. Or if you just want to talk about whatever is on your mind, well then there's Blogger! If your more of a picture posting type, we have Instagram! And if you just want to have it all, then there is Facebook. Has anyone every noticed how serious people take their social networking?! If you "unfriend" someone from Facebook or stop following them on Twitter, oh it's over. Don't lie, we've all been that person who got their feelings when they went to look at someones profile and realized we'd been deleted. Ouch! So what is so great about social media anyway? It is a lot of fun, but in a way I feel as if it takes away all of the personal interactions we have with people and when I say personal I mean face to face. It's easy to hide behind a computer screen but everything is different once we are looking a person in the eye!


  1. Courtney, I totally agree with what you are saying about social media. To me people look at facebook as an outlet to not actually talk to someone face to face because they are either to nervous or scared. I wish that we did not have any social media what so ever.

  2. Well, social media do help people to know more people and get more information about the society. But, we cannot always trust it. We need to tell which one is true or not true by our common sense or the knowledge we learned.

  3. Social networking is an epidemic. If someone was to say they didn't know what Facebook or Twitter is , people would think that person literally lives under a rock. I know Im a twitter and Facebook addict. Its fun! I dont take it serious, thats where people go wrong.

  4. Courtney as bad as it is I love social networking. If we use it the right way then it's all good. I've never been the person that got their feelings hurt but, I've been the person that's been asked why did you unfollow me; if someone is continuously using foul language for no apparent reason I will unfollow them, then they get offended. We have become unconnected do to social networking and texting. For the people who use it in the wrong way it's become a bad thing, on the downside there have become a rise in social bullying and spam. Sadly I have Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram so i'm almost addicted.
